Quality Control in Psychotherapy Training - Results of the Periodic Inspection of the Membership Institutions of the Swiss Charter for Psychotherapy


  • Peter Schulthess


For several years the Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy has been pursuing the promotion of a higher quality of standards in psychotherapy training, the professional and training ethics and the scientific basis of psychotherapeutic methods. As a measure of quality control, a special committee inspects all of the charter member institutions to see if the agreed upon norms are being maintained, as well as any current decisions made by the charter general assembly members. In the following document the inspection process is depicted and the results show that the charter member institutions are fulfilling the promises to which they have committed themselves. The depicted process, its main strength being the direct communication between the inspectors and the institutional representatives, was well received. It is also quite an appropriate tool to stimulate further improvements in the quality of training and support the well intentioned but sometimes challenging inquiries that question the validity of traditional training policies.

Charter; Quality endorsement; Quality management; Psychotherapeutic training; Ethics; Science.

Author Biography

Peter Schulthess

Peter Schulthess, lic. phil. I, ist frei praktizierender Psychotherapeut und Teamsupervisor. Er arbeitet seit 26 Jahren als Gestalttherapeut und wirkt heute in der Leitung des IGW (Institut für Integrative Gestalttherapie) mit. Nach einer Zeit als Präsident des SVG (Schweizer Verein für Gestalttherapie und Integrative Therapie) engagierte er sich zunehmend in der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie und ist heute deren Vizepräsident und „Außenminister". Seit Bestehen der Charta ist er Mitglied im Gewährleistungsausschuss, seit 1999 dessen Leiter.

Korrespondenz: Peter Schulthess, lic. phil. I, Bergstrasse 92, CH-8712 Stäfa



How to Cite

Schulthess, P. (2002). Quality Control in Psychotherapy Training - Results of the Periodic Inspection of the Membership Institutions of the Swiss Charter for Psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(3), 165–182. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/460