“Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum” - what next?


  • Ursula Margreiter
  • Gernot Schwentner
  • Wolfgang Schmetterer
  • Michaela Felber


The aim of the study was to follow the development of psychotherapy trainees after the preliminary training of the Propadeutikum of the ÖAGG. The topics covered are the percentage of trainees who decide to enter a specific psychotherapy training, what were the factors that influenced this decision, did they have to wait before entering specific training, expected consequences of the specific training and what were the expectations for their future work as psychotherapists (e.g. part time work). Another area covered was the percentage of graduates from the Propadeutikum who opted for another training in the psychosocial field and what were the deciding factors. Furthermore the influence of the Propadeutikum on work and private life was studied as well as a presentation of an evaluation of the course by the graduates.

Education in psychotherapy; Austria; Motivation; Evaluation; Future plans.

Author Biographies

Ursula Margreiter

Dr. Ursula Margreiter, Wissenschaftliche Leiterin des ÖAGG - Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutiku m, Wirtschaftspsycholog i n, Klinische Psychologin, Gesundheitspsychologin, Psychotherapeutin, Matrasgasse 6, A-1130 Wien

Korrespondenz: Dr. Ursula Margreiter, Lenaugasse 3, A-1080 Wien

Gernot Schwentner

Dr. Gernot Schwentner, Wirtschaftspsychologe, Empirischer Sozialforscher und Referent des ÖAGG - Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum, Schellhammergasse 7, A-1160 Wien

Wolfgang Schmetterer

Wolfgang Schmetterer, Wissenschaftlicher Berater, Psychotherapeut und Klinischer Psychologe, Harmoniegasse 9/17, A-1090 Wien

Michaela Felber

Mag. Michaela Felber, Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des ÖAGG-Propädeutikums, Vorgartenstraße 180/32, A-1020 Wien



How to Cite

Margreiter, U., Schwentner, G., Schmetterer, W., & Felber, M. (2002). “Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum” - what next?. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(4), 203–208. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/448