From Projective Identification to Embodied Counter Transference


  • Jörg Clauer


In 1890 wrote Freud that bodily changes are reliable signs to others (that means for the therapists, c.a.) for the psychic process. One would trust these signs more than the words, which are intentionally said at the same time. Unintelligible he and the psychoanalytic movement did not pick up these signs for the psychotherapeutic work. The same happened later on in the development of the concept "projective identification". Empathy is the basis for the process of projective identification or inductive countertransference. The origin of the term empathy as well as research in the fields of psychotherapy, emotions, neurobiology and bioenergetic analysis lead to an understanding that sees empathy as a bodily resonance-phenomenon. From this point of view the author takes a step to see projective identification as embodied countertransference. Two case stories underline the advantage of the therapeutic use of this term, compared to that of projective identification. Consequently this means that a body-oriented psychotherapy enlarges our possibilities or gives us new instruments in the treatment of "early'' or severe pathologies, that we would not like to miss any longer. Nevertheless many psychoanalysts still reject the usefulness of body-psychotherapy. This is seen as consequence of the body-hostility in our "distance-culture". Psychotherapy with body and soul is a special challenge for the therapists, but it gives us a lot of resources and space for development.

Projective identification; Embodied countertransference; Empathy; Therapists as resonance-body; Distance-culture; Self-effectiveness; Trauma; Integration of body and word.

Author Biography

Jörg Clauer

Dr. med. Jörg Clauer, Jg. 1951, Facharzt für psychotherapeutische Medizin, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse (DGPT). Bioenergetischer Analytiker, Body Enlightenment-Therapeut, Psychodramatherapeut. 15 Jahre Tätigkeit in psychosomatischen Kliniken, seit 1999 Psychotherapeut und Supervisor in freier Praxis. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Trauma, Bindung, Distanzkultur,Integration von Körper und Wort, Psychosomatik, Übertragung und Gegenübertragung

Korrespondenz: Dr. Jörg Clauer, Krahnstraße 17, D-49074 Osnabrück



How to Cite

Clauer, J. (2003). From Projective Identification to Embodied Counter Transference. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(2), 92–100. Retrieved from