Suggesting the Systematic Use of Visual Information in (Body) Psychotherapeutic Diagnostics - An Empirically Derived Screening Device


  • Margit Koemeda-Lutz
  • Pierre-Alain Emmenegger
  • Hans Peter


In a previous study we demonstrated that bioenergetic therapists were able to sort photographs (whole body) of patients as to their relative psychosomatic health and to match the correct description out of three verbal symptom descriptions. They did so significantly above chance level and outperformed laypersons lacking knowledge of body-psychotherapy.

In this study we wanted to explore -again by using photographs - which categories bioenergetic therapists use in order to describe visible and presumed problems as weil as changes between the beginning and the end of psychotherapeutic treatment. Using a computerized program for text analysis 30 basic and 4 superordinate categories were derived.

Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out and correlations with character structure diagnoses according to Lowen (1958) were computed. Some of the latter, however, need additional data from larger samples in order to furnish reliable results. The paper concludes by affirming the use of the derived categories for regular screening in clinical body-psychotherapy but warns clinicians of the danger to psychopathologize or uncritically infer personality traits merely from visual information. Lastly a further exploration of the relationships among pertaining variables is recommended.

Body-psychotherapy; Diagnostics; Bioenergetic analysis; Personality; Character structure; Visual perception.

Author Biographies

Margit Koemeda-Lutz

Dr. Dipl. Psych. Margit Koemeda-Lutz, Studium der Psychologie, Soziologie und Linguistik in Konstanz und Zürich, mehrjährige Mitarbeit an einem neuropsychologischen Forschungsprojekt der DFG an der Universität Konstanz, Gründungsmitglied und im Leitungsteam der Breitensteiner Psychotherapiewochen (1981-2000); Psychotherapeutin SPV, Bioenergetische Analytikerin, Lehrtherapeutin und Supervisorin SGBAT in freier Praxis; Vorstandsmitglied SGBAT (1994-2001).

Korrespondenz: Dr. Margit Koemeda, Fruthwiler Strasse 70, Breitenstein, CH-8272 Ermatingen

Pierre-Alain Emmenegger

Dr. med. Pierre-Alain Emmenegger, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie FMH, Bioenergetischer Analytiker und Therapeut in freier Praxis; Lehrtherapeut und Supervisor SGBAT. Interessiert an neuropsychologischen und psychosomatischen Prozessen.

Hans Peter

Dr. med. Hans Peter, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie FMH, Psychoanalytiker und Bioenergetischer Therapeut in eigener Praxis - im Ruhestand. Ehemaliger Local Trainer SGBAT, Gründungsmitglied SGBAT. Interessiert am Zusammenspiel vonGleichgewicht und Veränderung auf biologischer, psychischer und sozialer Ebene.



How to Cite

Koemeda-Lutz, M., Emmenegger, P.-A., & Peter, H. (2003). Suggesting the Systematic Use of Visual Information in (Body) Psychotherapeutic Diagnostics - An Empirically Derived Screening Device. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(2), 58–69. Retrieved from