Psychopathology as Discriminating Variable Between Men. who are Violent to Known Women: Two Different MMPI Profile Cluster


  • Heinrich Kraus


MMPI Profiles of fourty-six adult male batterers, which were gathered as part of a standard assessment process for a trainingprogram, were analysed by means of statistical analyses in order to find different batterrer types. Fourty one percent of all MMPI profiles exhibited one evelation on a clinical scale. A Cluster analysis revealed two different profile patterns. One within the normal range. The other had an elevated 7-8 profile. Two of three batterer types could be identified by means of psychopathology as descriptive dimension. Some clinical and methodological implications regarding batterer treatment programs are drawn.

MMPI (German short version); Profilepatterns; Batterertypology; Family only batterer; Borderline batterer.

Author Biography

Heinrich Kraus

Heinrich Kraus ist Psychologe und Psychotherapeut (Analytische Psychologie). Er arbeitet seit 15 Jahren in freier Praxis, ist Mitbegründer einer Familienberatungsstelle und seit 1999 mitverantwortlich für das Gewaltinterventionsprojekt der Männerberatung Wien.Dr. Heinrich Kraus, Männerberatung Wien,Erlachgasse 95/5, A-1100 Wien



How to Cite

Kraus, H. (2003). Psychopathology as Discriminating Variable Between Men. who are Violent to Known Women: Two Different MMPI Profile Cluster. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(3), 113–120. Retrieved from