Nationalism, Xenophobia, and Violence: Expressions of Crisis in Adolescent Development


  • Werner Bohleber


Adolescents are exposed to many risks on the way to more or less successful psychic integration and formation of an identity. These risks can lead to a dead end or a breakdown of the development through self-destructive actions or actions that endanger others. Intolerable experiences, emotions and fears can be projected upon an external object in order to fight them violently. It is of special importance here to understand the character and nature of the youth scene and groups as well as the function of their ideologies. These can serve to offer illusionary as well as violent solutions for typical conflicts and integration problems. This is illustrated through the image of the stranger and the phantasm of the nation as well as through the ideology of nationalism. Ultimately, the discussion focuses on the role of limitations and the importance of functioning social institutions for courses of adolescent development.

Adolescence; Violence; Xenophobia; Nation; Nationalism

Author Biography

Werner Bohleber

Werner Bohleber, geb. 1942, Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych., Psychoanalytiker in eigener Praxis, Lehranalytiker der Deutschen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung (DPV). Herausgeber der Zeitschrift PSYCHE. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu Adoleszenz und Identität, zur psychoanalytischen Erforschung der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit, zu Fremdenhass und Antisemitismus, zur Traumaforschung.Letzte Buchveröffentlichungen: Adoleszenz und Identität (Stuttgart 1996); mit Sibylle Drews (Hrsg.), Die Gegenwart der Psychoanalyse - die Psychoanalyse der Gegenwart (Stuttgart 2001).

Korrespondenz: Dr. phiI . Werner Bohleber, Kettenhofweg 62, 60325 Frankfurt 



How to Cite

Bohleber, W. (2003). Nationalism, Xenophobia, and Violence: Expressions of Crisis in Adolescent Development. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(4), 182–190. Retrieved from