In Favour of Ethics of Physical Touch


  • Tilmann Moser


The research paper explores, if and how far it might be necessary for analytical body-psychotherapy to have its own therapeutic ethics. The term "abstinence" is also valid in this case; however, it does not conform to the strict no-touch rule as used in classical psychoanalysis. The realm of options and of what i s permitted or even required, can be expanded through physical touch, offered with discipline, guided by training, intuition, and personal experience on the part of the analyst, including examples of interaction between mother or father and child, as found in infant-research.

So-called minor ethical problems of the therapy which lie beneath the level of sexual, aggressive or narcissistic abuse are discussed in detail.

Ethics; Abstinence; Physical touch; Body-psychotherapy.

Author Biography

Tilmann Moser

Tilmann Moser, Jahrgang 1938, studierte zunächst Literaturwissenschaft, danach Soziologie und Politologie. Neun Jahre Assistenz und Dozent im Fachbereich Jura in Frankfurt. Psa. Ausbildung in Frankfurt. Seit 1978 private Praxis in Freiburg. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Psychoanalyse und Körperpsychotherapie; Psychoanalyse und soziale Prozesse.

Korrespondenz: Tilmann Moser, Aumattenweg 3, 79117 Freiburg, Deutschland



How to Cite

Moser, T. (2003). In Favour of Ethics of Physical Touch. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(4), 173–181. Retrieved from