Perceptual sensitization to neurobiological mechanisms: an experimental workshop


  • Christa D. Ventling


Neurobiological phenomena are often used to explain psychological behavior patterns, personality traits, abilities or disabilities, etc. This experimental workshop tried the reverse: to build a bridge from psychology to neurobiology, i.e., from personal experience to neurobiological understanding.

As stimulations of the visual and auditory sensual system are processed differently from those of the olfactory, gustatory and also tactile system, representative exercises could serve as a basis for increased perception. By offering one exercise of each group, participants became aware of the differences of stimulus processing, they could compare their reactions with the neurobiological pathways and thus developed a deeper understanding of sensory processing.

A third exercise dealing with automated behavior and its modification, i.e., with habituation and sensitization, made participants aware of the shifting of the stored blueprint from implicit to explicit memory where the modification takes place. The symbolic meaning and possible application of such exercises in a psychotherapy practice were discussed.

Key words:
Neurobiology; Sensory perception; Auditory; Tactile; (Un-)conscious processing of nervous stimuli; Habituation; Sensitization; Bioenergetic Analysis

Author Biography

Christa D. Ventling

Christa D. Ventling (1930), 2 erwachsene Kinder, 3 Enkel. Promovierte Biochemikerin (DPhil University of Oxford 1957) und Psychologin (lic. phil. Universität Basel 1987), Bioenergetische Analytikerin (CBT) 1995, Lehrtherapeutin und Supervisorin, in eigener Praxis in Basel tätig. Bis zum 2. Studium Tätigkeit in der medizinischwissenschaftlichen Forschung an verschiedenen Universitäten (USA) und Pharmaindustrie (Basel), über 50 Publikationen. Herausgeberin von „Childhood Psychotherapy: A Bioenergetic Approach“ und von „Body Psychotherapy in Progressive and Chronic Disorders“; weitere Publikationen.

Korrespondenz: Dr. phil. Christa D. Ventling, Holbeinstrasse 65, 4105 Basel, Schweiz



How to Cite

Ventling, C. D. (2004). Perceptual sensitization to neurobiological mechanisms: an experimental workshop. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 104–109. Retrieved from