Shadows of preventive work against aggression and violence at schools: a theatre working process with children of an elementary school


  • Renata Jenny


There is a great deal of work being done using theatre work with the aim of preventing aggressive and violent behavior in schools. In this article critical aspects of this work are discussed. In a “pilot project" a theatre play was created with twenty-four 8- to 12-year-old children suffering behavioral problems. The play was successfully presented after one year of work.

Initially the plan was to have the project develop over a three-year period. The project was terminated because the teamwork with the teachers did not go as well as expected. The teachers felt distance and a sense of distrust in the teaching of concepts and experience of aggression and violence. Some of the teachers projected their feelings of isolation onto the “bad and difficult" children and blamed them for their own lack of understanding of the concepts.

A feeling of helplessness appeared that escalated into strong passive aggressive behavior and actions. Instead of using these feelings in a positive way, the teachers withdrew. They thus avoided expressing their frustrations and showing their own vulnerability.

It was also difficult to engage some children since they felt alienated from the creative process as a means of healing. Inconsistencies in the structure of their self undermined the healing.

Author Biography

Renata Jenny

Renata Jenny, dipl. analyt. Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene, ausgebildet im C. G.-Jung-Institut, Zürich. Eigene Praxistätigkeit in Bern und in Zürich, Theaterarbeit zum Thema Aggression und Gewalt in psychiatrischen Kliniken (Münsingen, Waldau), Heimen und Schulen.

Korrespondenz: Renata Jenny, Wylerstrasse 34, 3014 Bern, Schweiz



How to Cite

Jenny, R. (2004). Shadows of preventive work against aggression and violence at schools: a theatre working process with children of an elementary school. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 225–232. Retrieved from