Integrative Children and Adolescent Therapy: protective factors and resiliences in diagnostics and therapeutics


  • Hilarion G. Petzold
  • Lotti Müller


This article has three objectives. The first is to present Integrative Children and Adolescent Therapy in its development and current status as an approach based on clinical life span developmental psychology. Secondly the transaction between risk and resilience factors and its relevance to diagnostics and therapeutics is demonstrated together with a new model: the “protective factor-resilience cycle". The third objective is connected with the actual situation in Swiss health politics to prepare a legal regulation for psychotherapy. Here on the ground of sound scientific and clinical arguments the engaged position is advocated that children psychotherapy has to be established by a coming law as a specific profession in its own right (as in Germany and the Netherlands) - for the sake and the benefit of children.

Key words:
Integrative children therapy; Resilience; Protective factors; Risk factors; Professionalization of children psychotherapy.

Author Biographies

Hilarion G. Petzold

Univ.-Prof. DDDr. Hilarion Petzold lehrt an der Freien Universität Amsterdam Psychologie, klinische Bewegungstherapie und Supervision sowie Psychotraumatologie am Zentrum für psychosoziale Medizin (Leitung: Dr. med. Anton Leitner) an der Donau-Universität Krems. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Europäischen Akademie für Psychosoziale Gesundheit, Düsseldorf, Hückeswagen. Begründer der Integrativen Therapie

Lotti Müller

Lic. phil. Lotti Müller ist klinische Psychologin. Nach Ausbildung zur Lehrerin und Arbeit mit körperbehinderten Kindern absolvierte sie eine Ausbildung in Musiktherapie und in Integrativer Psychotherapie mit einer lifespan Orientierung. Sie arbeitet und forscht derzeit in der Therapie mit alten Menschen am Gerontopsychiatrischen Zentrum Hegibach (Leitung: PD Dr. med. Ursula Schreiter) der psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik in Zürich.

Lotti Müller, Birt 519, 9042 Speicher, Schweiz



How to Cite

Petzold, H. G., & Müller, L. (2004). Integrative Children and Adolescent Therapy: protective factors and resiliences in diagnostics and therapeutics. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 185–196. Retrieved from