Treatment of pain disease at the University Hospital of Zurich


  • Monika Jaquenod
  • Judith Humbel


In interviews with a medical doctor from the pain clinic of the University Hospital of Zurich and with two psychologists of the Clinic for Rheumatism two models of interdisciplinary chronic pain treatment are presented. The treatment staff is sharing the biopsychosocial comprehension model of pain. Possible causes of the development of a chronic pain disease are discussed. Pharmacological treament with drugs (opioids, antidepressants) is important. The psychologists of the clinic for rheumatism try to activate the patients with a combination of different methods (group psychotherapy, medical trainings therapy etc.).

Chronic pain disease; Biopsychosocial comprehension of pain; Medical and psychological possibilities of treatment

Author Biographies

Monika Jaquenod

Dr. M. Jaquenod, Schmerzambulatorium, Universitätsspital Zürich, Frauenklinikstrasse 10,
8091 Zürich, Schweiz

Judith Humbel

J. Humbel, lic. phil., Rheumaklinik und Institut für Physikalische Medizin, Universitätsspital Zürich, Gloriastrasse 25, 8091 Zürich, Schweiz



How to Cite

Jaquenod, M., & Humbel, J. (2005). Treatment of pain disease at the University Hospital of Zurich. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 164–171. Retrieved from