Aging today


  • Urs Kalbermatten


Reflecting on the attitude to one's own aging process and a deeper wrestling with one's own purpose, as well as contemplating the life situation of aging seniors forms an essential access to the understanding of their experience. The structure of the aging process has changed and we need new visions with an emphasis on realizing a new, conscious, independent phase of life. While exploring the past offers an important resource in navigating through the aging process, persons with no vision of the future or who continue to define themselves by no longer viable roles and functions are at risk for developing psychological damage and disorders. Therefore, it is a central tenant in psychotherapy with seniors to combine work on the past with actual challenges in the present such as reduction in physical and mental capacities, the possibility of going into a retirement or nursing home, redefining one's identity after retirement and dealing with one's mortality.

Keywords Gerontology; Lifestyles; Meaning; Tasks and challenges in aging; Perspective on the future; Proactive organization.

Author Biography

Urs Kalbermatten

Urs Kalbermatten, Prof. Dr., Leiter des Nachdiplomstudiums Gerontologie an der Berner Fachhochschule - Sozialarbeit, Bern, und Leiter der Abteilung Weiterbildung der Pro Senectute Schweiz, Zürich.

Korrespondenz: Berner Fachhochschule -Sozialarbeit, Postfach 6564, 3001 Bern, Schweiz



How to Cite

Kalbermatten, U. (2006). Aging today. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 3–6. Retrieved from