Psychotherapy in-between hysterical misery and ordinary unhappiness


  • Emilio Modena


The author is of the opinion that neither psychology nor psychotherapy are able to explain the economic events. However, they can understand the socio-psychological factors that influence the way mankind might react. Below is a short presentation of the theory by Freud of the anal-sadistic character and of Parin’s theory regarding the mechanisms of adaptation. Referring back to the 30-year history of neo-liberal indoctrination, as well as to the success of the rightist populism, and based on three vignettes of typical patients in psychotherapy who have become victims of the economic crisis, the opinion is mostly, that it is hardly possible that there will be a positive result. Nevertheless, psychotherapists, as experts in their field, and with their active engagement as citizens, will contribute to a better future. Keywords Anal-sadistic character; mechanisms of adaptation; neo-liberalism; neutrality; partiality; psychotherapy and economic crisis; rightist populism; social psychology.

Author Biography

Emilio Modena

Emilio Modena, geb. 1941 in Neapel, seit 1950 in der Schweiz. Medizinstudium an der Universität Zürich, psychoanalytische Ausbildung am Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich (PSZ). Seit 1974 als Psychoanalytiker und Psychotherapeut in Privatpraxis, Dozent und Supervisor tätig. 1977 Mitbegründer des selbstverwalteten PSZ, 1979 der Zürcher Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse. Zahlreiche Publikationen zu den Themenkreisen Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaft, psychoanalytische Ausbildung, Aggression und Narzissmus, vgl. Literaturliste unter www.

Korrespondenz: Emilio Modena, Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Ausstellungsstrasse 25, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz



How to Cite

Modena, E. (2010). Psychotherapy in-between hysterical misery and ordinary unhappiness. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 47–52. Retrieved from