Three fundamental difficulties in the application of psychoanalysis on politics


  • Emilio Modena


Based on a short discription of the psychoanalytic work, there is a discussion of the dialectics between subjectiv and objectiv factors. There are three main difficulties trying to observe reality and to transfer psychoanalytic knowledge on politics: Definition of the interplay of subjectiv and accidental factors, inclusion of the unconsciousness and defining the focus of contradiction in the special historical situation.

Keywords Dialectics; Interplay of subjectivity and accidental factors; Focus of contradiction; Psychoanalysis and politics; Subjectivity; Unconsciousness

Author Biography

Emilio Modena

Emilio Modena, geboren 1941 in Neapel, seit 1950 in Zürich; Arzt und Psychoanalytiker in freier Praxis, Mitbegründer des selbstverwalteter Psychoanalytischen Seminars Zürich und der Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Dozent und Supervisor; zahlreiche Publikationen in den Schwerpunktbereichen Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaft, psychoanalytische Ausbildung, Aggression und Narzissmus.

Korrespondenz: Ausstellungsstrasse 25, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz.



How to Cite

Modena, E. (2006). Three fundamental difficulties in the application of psychoanalysis on politics. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 84–88. Retrieved from