Psychosocial aid and trauma work contributing to peace building and reconciliation as exemplified inAfghanistan


  • Inge Missmahl


The experience of three years of psychosocial work in Kabul is the background of this article. Individual suffering within the traditional Afghan society, the postwar situation, the increase of public and domestic violence are themes which demonstrate clearly that a peace building and reconciliation process must start within the individual. Psychosocial aid is a necessary first step.

Keywords Afghanistan; Untreated trauma; Long-term symptoms of old trauma; Social identity; Domestic violence; Victimisation; Culture-sensitive psychology; Humanitarian work

Author Biography

Inge Missmahl

Inge Missmahl, lic. phil., analytische Psychotherapeutin in Praxisgemeinschaft, Beraterin für internationale Hilfsorganisationen, Projektleiterin des Psychosozialen Projektes Kabul: Window for Life, Caritas International.

Korrespondenz: Praxisgemeinschaft Dr. med. Ammermann, Nationalstrasse 17, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Schweiz



How to Cite

Missmahl, I. (2006). Psychosocial aid and trauma work contributing to peace building and reconciliation as exemplified inAfghanistan. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 180–185. Retrieved from