About the organization of memories – a neurobiological model for understanding unconscious memory/recall


  • Hanspeter Lipp


Summary: Memory and recall encompass many levels of functioning, from molecular processes in nerve cell nuclei, right to complex network architecture. These functional levels are often mixed. A model is presented here that covers both the cellular components as well as the network levels. One can accept that with new experiences and their storage, many areas of the brain cortex are simultaneously activated. These complex arousal patterns are reduced stepwise in the associative region of the brain, similar to a complex digital image that is significantly reduced through algorithms – examples are the program icons on a computer screen. Memories are partially reconstituted arousal patterns that are essentially generated from simple stored patterns and refined with locally saved information at intersections of the cerebral network. Keywords: cortex – hippocampus – image processing – synapses – epigenetic tags – limbic system – associative thalamus – subcortical memory – cortical processing hierarchy – memory consolidation – memory recall – post traumatic stress reaction – visual priming

Author Biography

Hanspeter Lipp

Hans-Peter Lipp, Dr. rer. nat. (Anthropologie und Neuroethologie) Universität Zürich. Postdoc-Ausbildung an der ETH Zürich (Verhaltensphysiologie), Universität Lausanne (Neuroanatomie), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Neuroanatomie und Verhalten). Karriere vom Abteilungsleiter zum ordentlichen Professor am Anatomischen Institut der Universität Zürich, Spezialgebiet Neuroanatomie und Verhalten. Forschungsgebiete: Gehirn- und Verhaltensgenetik, Evolutionstheorie, computergesteuerte Verhaltensapparaturen, ökologische Hirnforschung, Navigation bei Brieftauben. Mitbegründer der International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society, Leiter eines Kompetenzzentrums zur Analyse genetisch modifizierter Nager und Gründer eines Spin-off-Unternehmens (NewBehavior) für computergesteuerte Verhaltensanalyse von Mäusen im Sozialverband, aktuell Teilzeitprofessur an der University of Kwazulu-Natal in Durban, Südafrika. Publikationen im Jahr 2014 in den Zeitschriften „Journal of Experimental Biology“ (Gravity anomalies without geomagnetic disturbances interfere with pigeon homing: a GPS tracking study, mit N. Blaser u. a.), „Die Brieftaube“ (Warum Brieftauben verloren gehen: Gravitationsanomalien als Orientierungsfallen?), „Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience“ (A novel automated behavioral test battery assessing cognitive rigidity in two genetic mouse models of autism, mit A. Puscian u. a.) und „PLOS One“ (Temporal and contextual consistency of leadership in homing pigeon flocks, mit C. D. Santos u. a.).



How to Cite

Lipp, H. (2015). About the organization of memories – a neurobiological model for understanding unconscious memory/recall. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(1), 24–35. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/294