«Evidence-based» as a criterion for psychotherapy selection? Concerning a good concept – and its misuse


  • Jürgen Kriz




strength of effect, evidence-based, fit, psychotherapeutic procedures, RCT, effect factors


This paper first points out that «evidence-based» is a good and useful concept but is frequently misused today due to reduction to RCTs. While the RCT design is absolutely an outstanding model for studying experimental research questions, this only applies if it is possible to isolate clearly definable causes and effects to a sufficient degree and if these provide a usable representation of the reality of the investigation. The greater the scope for designing the causes (interventions) and the more complex the relevant effects are, the less this approach is useful. We will show that RCT designs are suitable for psychotherapy research in particular if manualized programs are applied. This is primarily the case for behavioral therapy. For psychotherapeutic approaches that are mainly founded in the process-specific development of principles, the great variability of the detail causes (interventions) bursts the required bulk-statistical homogeneity for an experimental design. The requirement of proving effectiveness mainly with RCT designs amounts to methodical artifacts in this case or imposes a certain psychotherapeutic preference, i. e. for behavioral therapy, onto other approaches by means of scientific methodology. Finally, we discuss a few additional reductions and misinterpretations in connection with RCT and metastudy designs.

Author Biography

Jürgen Kriz

Jürgen Kriz, Prof. Dr., ist Emeritus für Psychotherapie undKlinische Psychologie an der Universität Osnabrück, hatte aber über 25 Jahre auch Professuren in Statistik und Forschungsmethoden inne. Er ist Ehrenmitglied etlicher psychotherapeutischer Fachverbände, war Gastprofessor u. a. in Wien, Zürich, Berlin, Moskau, Riga und den USA, und ist Autor von über 20 Büchern und 300 Fachbeiträgen. Zu seinen Ehrungen zählt neben dem Viktor-Frankl-Preis (2004) aktuell der Schweizer Dr. Margrit Egnér-Preis (2019).



How to Cite

Kriz, J. (2019). «Evidence-based» as a criterion for psychotherapy selection? Concerning a good concept – and its misuse. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 9(2), 42–50. https://doi.org/10.30820/1664-9583-2019-2-42



Titelthema: Psychotherapieforschung