Epistemological considerations to the science of psychotherapy


  • Markus Erismann


Summary: Philosophy of science – interpreted as reflection on scientific activity –, methodology – interpreted as reflection on scientific method – and history of science increase the degree of methodicity, i.e. of self-reflection in a certain science, so that it gains a better self-conception. The present epistemological considerations aim at showing that psychotherapy science seems predestined for methodological self-reflection, which increases the degree of its methodicity and contributes to the recognition as an independent scientific discipline. The history of psychotherapy science is marked by the forming of a variety of schools and methods, which belongs to the paradigm of psychotherapy science. But it lacks an epistemological frame, which comprises the different schools and meets its interdisciplinary character. Because the psychotherapeutic situation is marked by methodical self-reflection, it stands to reason, that the psychotherapy scientist has a pronounced consciousness of methodical and methodological self-reflection. By the development of an own philosophy of science, a methodology and a history of science psychotherapy science achieves a reflected self-conception, which is fundamental in view of its recognition as an independent discipline.

Keywords: psychotherapy science, methodicity, philosophy of science, methodology, history of science, reflected self-conception

Author Biography

Markus Erismann

Markus Erismann, Dr. phil., Studium der Philosophie und Germanistik, 1996 Promotion am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Zürich. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Erkenntnistheorie und Methodologie



How to Cite

Erismann, M. (2016). Epistemological considerations to the science of psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(1), 6–16. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/269



Original Work