Relationship configuration in support and therapy with lesbians, male homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-gender - An analysis with help of the concepts of transference and counter-transference


  • Udo Rauchfleisch


Summary: The prerequisite for counselling or treating LGBT clients is impartiality with respect to their orientation and identity (distancing from concepts of pathology). Within the framework of negative transference, therapists could be experienced as representatives of the rejecting parents. The transference must be analyzed so that the client’s internalized homophobic and trans-phobic parts can be clarified and the wounds suffered during the course of their development, can be worked through. Counter-transference of a homophobic or trans-sexual-phobic form could have detrimental effects on the clients. Those interested in treatment would be advised in advance of a treatment, to inquire at the regional or national LGBT organizations about impartial therapists. Counter-transference with feelings of prejudice and uncertainty should be raised openly. The optimal counter-transference is openness towards clients and an unreserved accepting attitude. In the treatment of LGBT clients with psychological illnesses various therapeutic methods are applicable. Thereby, however, specific interactions between the sexual orientation and the identity on the one hand and the psychological illness on the other side need to be taken into account.

Key words: LGBT clients, transference, counter-transference, homophobia, transsexual phobia, counselling, therapy

Author Biography

Udo Rauchfleisch

Udo Rauchfleisch, Prof. emer. an der Universität Basel für Klinische Psychologie. Dr. rer. nat. Dissertation an der Universität Kiel. Dipl.-Psych. Fachpsychologe FSP/SVKP, Psychoanalytiker DPG, DGPT. Seit 1999 Privatpraxis für Psychotherapie und Beratung in Basel. Autor diverser Fachbücher.



How to Cite

Rauchfleisch, U. (2016). Relationship configuration in support and therapy with lesbians, male homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-gender - An analysis with help of the concepts of transference and counter-transference. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(2), 130–139. Retrieved from