Clinical diagnoses as social constructs


  • Volkmar Aderhold



Psychiatric Diagnoses, ICD, DSM, Comorbidity, De-contextualization, Biologizing, Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), Diagnosis as a Dialogue Process, Polyphony


Diagnostic manuals of recent decades intended or effected an ongoing de-contextualization of mental disorders, which went hand in hand with the advancing biologizing of psychiatry, that ultimately served the pharmaceutical industry rather than the patients. Moreover, the findings of biological psychiatry are far from encouraging, notably because the diagnostic categories lack validity. The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) constitutes a new research framework that is based on functional neural subsystems of the healthy brain and may advance neurobiology. It is not foreseeable whether this approach will succeed. The first and foremost objective of clinical diagnoses, on the other hand, should be understanding and communication. Since they are fundamentally the result of a social construction process, the primary focus should be on co-constructing through dialogue with the significant others in the social environment of the person concerned. Accordingly, an inner and outer polyphony of these constructions of reality is necessary and inevitable. Psychotherapeutic expertise also forms a part of this polyphony.

Author Biography

Volkmar Aderhold

Volkmar Aderhold, Dr. med., ist Arzt für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin sowie Lehrender für Systemische Therapie und Beratung (DGSF). Seit 1982 arbeitet er in der Psychiatrie, davon 10 Jahre als Oberarzt im der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg Eppendorf. Aktuell ist er Mitarbeiter der Instituts für Sozialpsychiatrie an der Universität Greifswald und wirkt durch Vorträge, Veröffentlichungen und die Beratung von psychiatrischen Organisationen im Bereich der Strukturentwicklung.



How to Cite

Aderhold, V. (2018). Clinical diagnoses as social constructs. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(1), 25–32.



Titelthema: Politik der Diagnose