Psychosomatic Approaches in PsychotherapyKontakt


  • Hans Jürgen Scheurle


Key words, Law of attraction, Gestaltkreis, Body-Soul-Spirit-Unity, Leibniz vs. Descartes, Brain Theory, Brain as a Resonant Organ, Body Memento


Based on new research approaches the term resonance will be illuminated in regard to its relevance for psychosomatics. The following reflections will take into account body-phenomenology from medicine, neural synchronisation as well as mirror neurons from neurophysiology, essential amplification of oscillations through resonance from physics and «answers» and the «silent» world relationship by H. Rosa from sociol­ogy. A theory of world relationships through resonance is indicated and illustrated by examples. It will be shown that the resonance theory can illuminate psychosomatic core terms. Thus, for example, it can explain the unity of body and soul (e. g. mind or I), body memento and memory, which illustrate the dynamics of the environment as resonance space of the senses as well as the idle state (pause, non-action). The integration of resonance processes for brain function is of particular importance. Instead of a brain theory, which mystifies and projects the mind into nerve networks, the mind is present throughout the body and in every cell. Not the dualism of body and mind by Descartes but the body-mind-spirit-unity (monad) in respect to Leibniz is an appropriate approach: Brain and body are not in a causal but a partner-like relationship. Therefore, the theory of a centralised cerebral control function should be replaced by a theory of brain resonance (Comparison, e. g. Buzsáki [2006] as well as Hahn et al. [2014]).

Author Biography

Hans Jürgen Scheurle

Dr. med. Hans Jürgen Scheurle ist Physiologe und Arzt, Autor und Dozent in Badenweiler (D). Studium der Medizin in München und Marburg/Lahn. Ehem. Doktorand und wiss. Assistent am Institut für Physiologie der Universität Marburg. Hauptforschungsgebiet ist die Phänomenologie der Sinne und die Funktion des Gehirns. Seminare zur Wahrnehmungsschulung. Konzept eines Parks der Sinne in Badenweiler (eröffnet 2011). – Lehre in Embryologie und medizinische Ethik u. a. in Stuttgart, Fulda und Basel. Fortbildung und Supervision für Psychosomatik an der Klinik Lahnhöhe (D).



How to Cite

Scheurle, H. J. (2017). Psychosomatic Approaches in PsychotherapyKontakt. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(2), 39–48. Retrieved from



Titelthema: Psychosomatische Ansätze in der Psychotherapie