Development, risk factors and protective mechanisms of loneliness

Across the lifespan and in late and old adulthood


  • Mareike Ernst



loneliness, age, risk factors, protective factors, personality, attachment, psychodynamics


Loneliness represents a substantial health risk and as such is currently the focus of empirical studies. Loneliness research often focuses on older age, as specific risk factors are particularly pronounced in this phase of life. At the same time, loneliness is not universal, nor is it exclusively a problem of old age; rather, people can be affected by loneliness at all stages of life, with an initial peak in young adulthood. Scientifically, loneliness is defined as a negative emotional experience. This perception is dependent on both individual personality traits and situational life circumstances. Changes in social needs and relationships over the course of life, critical life events, positive/negative perceptions of age(ing) and perspectives on older people as well as the individual’s developmental history, including internalized relationship experiences, help to contextualize this feeling over the lifespan. Apart from the socio-structural level, loneliness can also be a focus in psychotherapy; and psychotherapeutic interventions can focus on various of the aspects mentioned in order to alleviate loneliness and strengthen those affected. This includes, for example, dealing with conflicting desires (e. g. for self-sufficiency and care) against the background of age-related losses and strengthening the psychological and social resources of older people.

Author Biography

Mareike Ernst

Dr. Mareike Ernst ist Tenure-Track-Professorin für psychodynamisch-orientierte Psychotherapieforschung am Institut für Psychologie der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt und Gastwissenschaftlerin am Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory der Universität Glasgow. Neben der Psychotherapieforschung bzw. im Zusammenhang mit dieser liegen ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte in den Bereichen Einsamkeit, Suizidalität, und Psychoonkologie.

How to Cite

Ernst, M. (2024). Development, risk factors and protective mechanisms of loneliness: Across the lifespan and in late and old adulthood. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 14(2), 9–15.



Special Issue