Climate crisis, nature and psychotherapy

Cross-procedural perspectives and suggestions




systemic therapy, logotherapy and existential analysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, nature therapy, psychoanalysis


Nature and nature experience are crucial elements in the context of a healthy human development and have a positive impact on mental and physical health. Global crises, such as climate change and environmental destruction, also affect human health. Psychotherapy chambers and associations are therefore calling on psychotherapists to address the issue of climate change and make effective contributions. Nature connectedness and eco-anxiety are two psychological constructs that should be considered in this context. Nature-based (psycho-)therapeutic approaches can, for example, promote nature connectedness, pro-ecological and environmentally conscious behavior and reduce eco-anxiety. This article also offers insights into nature and psychotherapy from the perspective of three psychotherapeutic clusters (psychodynamic psychotherapy, logotherapy and existential analysis, systemic therapy), an appropriate case vignette taken from psychotherapeutic practice, as well as a brief description of the clinical study «Walk and talk psychotherapy for patients suffering from depression». Psychotherapy has the potential to act as an effective «agent of change» within the discourse of «climate – nature – mental health».

Author Biography

Eric Pfeifer

Prof. Dr. habil. Eric Pfeifer ist als Professor für Ästhetik und Kommunikation an der Katholischen Hochschule Freiburg, als Privatdozent und Doctoral Supervisor an der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien und als (Lehr-)Psychotherapeut, (Lehr-)Musiktherapeut, Berater und Supervisor in privater Praxis in Österreich und Deutschland tätig. Doktorierender in Psychologie an der Universität Witten/Herdecke. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Psychotherapieforschung, (Lebens-)Sinn und Gesundheit, Musik – Gesundheit – Wohlbefinden, Natur in Psychotherapie und Künstlerischer Therapie, Stille, Zeitwahrnehmung.

How to Cite

Pfeifer, E. (2024). Climate crisis, nature and psychotherapy: Cross-procedural perspectives and suggestions. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 14(2), 39–47.



Original Work