Violence in teen dating

Observations on teen dating violence in times of the pandemic


  • Lucia Beltramini



violence, teenagers, relationships, pandemic, health, psychotherapy


Violence is a common phenomenon in adolescent relationships. Data from surveys conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated that in at least one in ten teenage relationships, girls experienced forms of psychological, physical, or sexual violence. For the most part, these experiences have a significant impact on their health. Violence can occur both in person and online; during lockdown periods due to health emergencies, it is the second type of violence that appears to have become more prevalent. The girls, or victims of this violence in general, rarely ask for help. The closure of schools and services during the pandemic may have made seeking help even more difficult. This makes it all the more important to show adolescents that you believe them, respect them, and support them when they decide to tell you about their experiences. Only in this way can this moment of sharing truly become an opportunity for personal growth based on these events and escape the spiral of violence.

Author Biography

Lucia Beltramini

Lucia Beltramini ist Psychologin, Psychotherapeutin, Doktorin der Neuro- und Kognitionswissenschaften und Dozentin an der Universität Triest, wo sie das Fach «Gewalt gegen Frauen und Minderjährige» unterrichtet. Sie befasst sich mit der Prävention geschlechterbasierter Gewalt sowie der Förderung der Chancengleichheit und bietet Forschungs-, Schulungs- und Interventionsmassnahmen an. Sie hat mehrere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht und ist Autorin des Buches La violenza di genere in adolescenza. Una guida per la prevenzione a scuola (2020, zu Dt.: Geschlechterbasierte Gewalt bei Jugendlichen. Ein Leitfaden für die Prävention in der Schule).
089-093 31181

How to Cite

Beltramini, L. (2022). Violence in teen dating: Observations on teen dating violence in times of the pandemic. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 12(1), 89–93.