Criterions of scientifically established psychotherapy and aspects of emancipated secular spirituality


  • Mario Schlegel


analytical psychology, C. G. Jung, transpersonal psychology, epistemology scientific theories, mentalisation, secular spirituality, placebo answer.


The criterions for scientifically established psychotherapy, as defined by the Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy, will be applied to the analytical psychology by C. G. Jung as well as the transcendental psychology, based on the epistemologies and scientific theories. The aim is to provide evidence that C. G. Jung is not one of the transpersonal psychology founders, as proclaimed by its advocates. Jung psychology meets the dictated criteria. Transpersonal psychology on the other side requires a transcendental, metaphysical reality as granting, which expands beyond our material existence as biological beings in a world based on physics. This approach is not based on any scientific approach and lacks evidence. Beyond this conclusion, it is evident that there is a secular explanation for spirituality. The secular perception of spiri­tuality within the scientifically established psychotherapy justifies itself based on enlightened and humanistic ideals, which protects the autonomy and emancipation of the patients. It is also an anthropological constant, with roots in empathy and mammalian behaviour, especially primate behaviour with their emotional and cognitive abilities.

Author Biography

Mario Schlegel

Mario Schlegel, Dr. sc. nat. ETH, Lehranalytiker, Supervisor, Dozent und Leiter des Forschungskolloquiums am C. G. Jung-Institut Zürich; Vorsitzender der Wissenschaftskommission der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie und Co-Präsident des «Internationalen Netzwerkes Forschung und Entwicklung in der Analytischen Psychologie Dreiländergruppe» (INFAP3), Redaktor bei der Zeitschrift Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft und Psychotherapeut ASP in eigener Praxis. Arbeitsschwerpunkt: Dialog zwischen den Therapieschulen und die Biologie der Intersubjektivität.



How to Cite

Schlegel, M. (2017). Criterions of scientifically established psychotherapy and aspects of emancipated secular spirituality. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(1), 45–56. Retrieved from



Titelthema: Intersubjektivität