Sartre’s Shame as Foundation of the I-thou-relationship in Gestalt-therapy


  • Kerstin Lang


Gestalt-therapy, existentialism, Sartre, Goodman, Buber, I-thou-relationship, contact, shame


Gestalt-therapy considers itself as an existential approach. Gestalt-literature often cites Heidegger, Husserl and Buber. Buber’s I-thou-relationship is an essential component of the theory and is often perceived as a necessary (working) factor in treatment. Sartre as a principal representative of existentialism is not often mentioned in Gestalt-therapy. Schwall sees the possibility that the contact concept and healing component of the I-thou-relationship could be more accurately defined by engaging with Sartre’s philosophy, without relying on the metaphysical. This article tries to answer Schwall’s contemplations and demands by illuminating Sartre’s understanding of the relationships between environment, individual, and the individuation, as well as the perspective of the Gestalt-therapy on individual and environment.

Author Biography

Kerstin Lang

Mag.ª Kerstin Lang, Österreich, studierte Psychotherapie­wissenschaften an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität in Wien, Integrative Gestalttherapeutin, Psychotherapeutin in freier Praxis und Krisenbegleitung in einer Einrichtung für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderung.



How to Cite

Lang, K. (2017). Sartre’s Shame as Foundation of the I-thou-relationship in Gestalt-therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(1), 33–41. Retrieved from



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