Intersubjectivity and Self-reflection


  • Rosmarie Barwinski


intersubjectivity, self-reflection, trauma, contradiction, self-relation


Intersubjectivity – the ability to adapt perception via empathy and social cognition as a basic model of social interaction – requires self-reflection. To further illustrate this hypothesis, this paper will fall back on concepts by Jean Piaget, which describe development as a process of ideational realisation. Those operations are based on the reflection of the own contemplation processes as well as action schemas and therefore are a process of self-reflection. The process of integrating traumatic experiences serves as an example how the different internal mechanisms (from the primary self-relation to the process of self-reflection) can promote or hinder development. Treatment techniques will be provided at the end.

Author Biography

Rosmarie Barwinski

Rosmarie Barwinski, PD Dr. phil., Psychoanalytikerin, Psychotherapeutin SPV/FSP; Privatdozentin an der Universität zu Köln; Supervisorin am Psychoanalytischen Seminar in Zürich; Leiterin des Schweizer Instituts für Psychotraumatologie (SIPT) mit Sitz in Winterthur (; zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen im Bereich der Psychotraumatologie und Psychotherapie-Prozessforschung.



How to Cite

Barwinski, R. (2017). Intersubjectivity and Self-reflection. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(1), 23–30. Retrieved from



Titelthema: Intersubjektivität