Structural abuse of psychotherapy through shortage of supply


  • Ulrich Sollmann


Scientific research points out that psychotherapy care in Germany is poor. Representatives of medical federations deny this. But ordinary insured psychotherapy clients have to wait for a longer time to start therapy than insurants of private insurance companies. Their therapy itself does not last as long. Moreover, clients with severe psychic and social problems have to wait for therapy even longer. This poor situation plus the denial by the officials resembles structural abuse of psychotherapy.

Keywords Psychotherapy care; Health politics; Waiting list; Structural abuse; Scientific results

Author Biography

Ulrich Sollmann

Dipl. rer. soc. Ulrich Sollmann, Praxis für Körperpsychotherapie und Bioenergetische Analyse in Bochum; Berater und Coach, Vorstandstätigkeit in psychotherapeutischen Berufsverbänden und Publizist.

Korrespondenz: Höfestraße 87,
44801 Bochum, Deutschland



How to Cite

Sollmann, U. (2007). Structural abuse of psychotherapy through shortage of supply. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 39–42. Retrieved from