Abuse of power in psychotherapy


  • Hans-Jürgen Wirth


The responsible way how to deal with power is an important dimension of psychotherapy. Is there an abuse of power, therapy will fail. Narcissistic people strive for power. The corresponding phantasies serve to overcome feelings of powerlessness. Power is like a drug. I consider the conditions of the abuse of power. Special reference is made to the psychoanalytic role theory (HorstEberhard Richter) and the concept of collusion (Jurg Willi).

Keywords Power; Powerlessness; Narcicism; Narcissistic personality disorder; Abuse of power

Author Biography

Hans-Jürgen Wirth

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Wirth, Psychoanalytiker, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Verleger des Psychosozial-Verlags, lehrt Präventive Psychotherapie an der Universität Bremen.

Korrespondenz: Goethestraße 29,
35390 Gießen, Deutschland



How to Cite

Wirth, H.-J. (2007). Abuse of power in psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 22–27. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/135