A case report demonstrating a body-psychotherapeutic approach to burnout treatment


  • Marulla Hauswirth


Following a clinical case study, two aspects of psycho-therapeutic intervention with burnout are developed. Burnout is mostly related to an accumulation of different stressful situations that should be differentiated in therapy in order to help patients regain ego strength and a feeling of inner coherence. These are factors related to the general present life situation (family and health issues), past experiences (childhood and traumas) as well as the specific situation (work conditions). Further, burnout goes to-gether with intense psychophysical reactions, so body-oriented psychotherapy may be indicated, but interventions need to be fo-cused on the specificity of the burnout condition, that is a strong inner mobilization going along simultaneously with a sensation of paralysis in such a way that efficient self protection is no longer possible. Body techniques should support a progressive loosening of the inner sensation of overcharge and help to find the way back to efficient auto protective impulses, so fostering a sensation of security and competence.

Keywords Body-psychotherapy; treatment of burnout; stress.

Author Biography

Marulla Hauswirth

Marulla Hauswirth, Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie FSP in freier Praxis, Lehr-therapeutin und Supervisorin SGBAT, Hyp-notherapeutin Ghyps, Zusatzbildung in Somatic Experiencing, freie Mitarbeiterin der Association Appartenances Vaud (psychosoziale Struktur für MigrantInnen die sowohl soziale Integrationsunterstützung wie auch psychotherapeutische Hilfe anbietet), mehrere Artikel zum Thema der Konsequenzen von kollektiver Gewalt und psychotherapeutische Unterstützung.

Korrespondenz: Marulla Hauswirth, psycho-logue specialiste en psychotherapie FSP Membre cert. de la Societe Suisse de Therapie et Analyse Bioenergetiques, Hypnothera-peute SHYPS, 19, rue St. Laurent, 1003 Lausanne, Schweiz



How to Cite

Hauswirth, M. (2010). A case report demonstrating a body-psychotherapeutic approach to burnout treatment. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 162–166. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/11