Our daily shrink give us today: or substantiated knowledge with an emancipatory aim


  • Micha Hilgers


I describe and discuss the different aspects regarding the function and role of the psychotherapist as media expert.

I describe my own experience as such an expert. I relate to the discussion about media response to the interview of Natascha Kampusch and describe my model of respect for the privacy of the affected person and the public. I discuss extensivly the effects of my role as expert in the professional field. Finally I argue for the active engagement in the public discourse.

Keywords Media; Shame; Narcissism; Psychotherapist as expert; Kampusch; Public; Responsibility

Author Biography

Micha Hilgers

Dipl.-Psych. Micha Hilgers ist niedergelassener Psychoanalytiker (DGPT) in Aachen und Supervisor psychiatrischer und forensischer Einrichtungen. Daneben ist er tätig als Coach und Berater von Unternehmen, Institutionen und politischen Verbänden und publiziert in Tageszeitungen wie „taz“ und „Frankfurter Rundschau“.

Korrespondenz: Roonstraße 13a,
52070 Aachen, Deutschland



How to Cite

Hilgers, M. (2007). Our daily shrink give us today: or substantiated knowledge with an emancipatory aim. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 151–156. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/106