Bioenergetic analysis as out-patient psychotherapy -topics of application and effects


  • Ulrich Gudat


Bioenergetic Analysis as developed by Alexander Lowen is investigated in an out-patient setting. A post treatment study involving 309 finished therapies shows that bioenergetic analytical therapy is applied to a wide range of mental and psychosomatic disorders. In respect of the effects of the treatment clients give high change ratings in a standardized change questionnaire (compared with other therapy studies using the same questionnaire). The therapists evaluate the results as most positive for some neurotic and for psycho-somatic disorders; but also in view of other mental disorders remarkable improvements are found. Bio-energetic analysis is however not a short-term therapy.

Bioenergetic analysis, bioenergetics, body-orientated psychotherapy, psychotherapy research, nemotic depression, anxiety-nemosis, psychosomatic disorder, borderline personality disorder, eating disorder.

Author Biography

Ulrich Gudat

Ulrich Gudat, Dr. phil., Diplom-Psychologe, München: Nach 15 fahren Forschungstätigkeit auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklungspsychologie und Familienforschung am Deutschen Jugendinstitut, München, heute Psychotherapeut in Privatpraxis, Vorsitzender der Münchner Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse und Leiter des Arbeitskreises für Forschung des Deutschen Verbands für Bioenergetische Analyse. Buchveröffentlichung zum Thema „Bioenergetik“ (1993, mit Hoffmann).

Korrespondenz: Dr. phil. Ulrich Gudat, Hittoweg 17, D-81249 München



How to Cite

Gudat, U. (1997). Bioenergetic analysis as out-patient psychotherapy -topics of application and effects. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(1), 28–37. Retrieved from