The triage function of a psychosomatics liaison service for gynaecology


  • Marianne Springer-Kremser
  • Elisabeth Jandl-Jager
  • Eva Presslich-Titscher
  • Nora Nemeskeri
  • F. Maritsch


The psychosomatic psychotherapeutic consultation liaison-service for gynaecological patients at the Vienna University has been evaluated. Research interest focused on success and failure of the initial interview, conceptualized for a specific clientel. The interview has a triage function for treatment planning. By the type of treatment that was applied, patients were divided into three groups: Group A - patients with one single contact with the unit; Group B - patients who were referred to external psychotherapy; Group C - patients who were treated with short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy as offered by the service unit. The drop outs figured as Group D.

The questionnaires completed by the patients at the first consultation and six months after their final contact with the clinic covered sociodemographic data, ego functions; the motivation for psychotherapy, a complaints list and finally, at the second contact only, an individual retrospective judgement concerning personal consequences of the consultation. Patients needs in CL-services call for quick decisions, which therapeutic measure would be the most adequate. An experienced clinicians decision is based on several circumstances: individual feeling of suffering, therapy-motivation, ego-strength, but social and demographic facts as well. Comparing groups with different therapeutic recommendations showed that the psychometric tests discriminated well between these four groups and thus the validity of the clinical recommendation has been confirmed.

Evaluation, consiliar/liaison-psychotherapy, psychoanalytic short-term psychotherapy.

Author Biographies

Marianne Springer-Kremser

Springer-Kremser, Marianne, Dr. med., tit. a. o. Univ.-Prof., FA für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Psychotherapeutin (PSA), Vorstand auf Zeit der Universitätsklinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie, Wien, Leiterin der psychosomatischen Frauenambulanz. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Weibliche Psychosexualität, psychoanalytische Kurzpsychotherapie.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Springer-Kremser, Universitätsklinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Wien  

Elisabeth Jandl-Jager

Jandl-Jager, Elisabeth, Univ.-Doz. Mag. soc. oec., Dr. phil., Soziologin, Mitglied des Wiener Arbeitskreises für Psychoanalyse und der ÖGWG, Universitätsassistentin an der Klinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie der Universität Wien.

Eva Presslich-Titscher

Presslich-Titscher, Eva, Dr. phil., Ass.-Prof. an der Klinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie der Universität Wien, Mitglied im Verein für Individualpsychologie.

Nora Nemeskeri

Nemeskeri, Nora, Dr. phil., Psychotherapeutin (PP) und Supervisorin in freier Praxis, Klinische Psychologin und Gesundheitspsychologin, Mitarbeiterin in der Arbeitsmarktpolitischen Frauenberatungsstelle Wien 12. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Psychosomatik, Psychoonkologie, Arbeitslosigkeit

F. Maritsch

Maritsch, F., Dr. phil., Gesundheitspsychologe, seit 1980im sozialwissenschaftlichen Bereich tätig. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Psychotherapieforschung, Drogenprävention, pharmakologische Forschung



How to Cite

Springer-Kremser, M., Jandl-Jager, E., Presslich-Titscher, E., Nemeskeri, N., & Maritsch, F. (1997). The triage function of a psychosomatics liaison service for gynaecology. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(2), 109–117. Retrieved from