Discontinuity – productive forces in the psychoanalytic process


  • Karin Pinter


Therapy aims by its purpose at progress through a systematic change process. But how can such a process be set in motion and supported towards fruitful ends?

Various strands of psychoanalysis have given quite different answers to this question, which is taken up in this paper. I propose that moments of discontinuity play a crucial role in every change process. Such discontinuities provide the impetus to open up the relational system which establishes between client and therapist.

In this sense, discontinuities are not destructive disruptions but rather productive forces of therapeutic progress. This point of view is elaborated in the context of my own clinical experience.

Discontinuity, intersubjectivity, self psychology, strategies of interventions, therapeutic change, case presentation.

Author Biography

Karin Pinter

Karin Pinter, Mag.a phil., Psychoanalytikerin in freier Praxis in Wien.Zahlreiche Publikationen. Mitglied des Wiener Kreises für Psychoanalyse und Selbstpsychologie. Vorsitzende des Wiener Landesverbandes für Psychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: Karin Pinter, Röntgengasse 7, 1170 Wien, Österreich



How to Cite

Pinter, K. (2009). Discontinuity – productive forces in the psychoanalytic process. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 15–20. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/61