Fatal sickness despair


  • Eleonore Schneiderbauer


The present paper gives a general overview of the discussion of S. Kierkegaard’s conception of despair, in which the individual’s experience of despair is regarded as “not wanting to be oneself" or “wanting to get rid of oneself”. Further, other psychoanalytic models in which despair plays an important role will be presented, such as J. Bowlby’s theory of attachment and E. H. Erikson’s theory of primal trust and mistrust. The connection between shame and despair as well as the significance of the idealized selfobject with regard to despair are then discussed in detail.

Despair, shame, primal trust, self-integration, bipolar synthesis, idealized selfobject

Author Biography

Eleonore Schneiderbauer

Dr. Eleonore Schneiderbauer arbeitet in freier Praxis als Klin. Psychologin, Gesundheitspsychologin, Psychotherapeutin, Psychoanalytikerin und Supervisorin. Sie ist Mitglied des Wiener Kreises für Psychoanalyse und Selbstpsychologie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Eleonore Schneiderbauer, Alszeile 116/3/6, A-1170 Wien



How to Cite

Schneiderbauer, E. (1999). Fatal sickness despair. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(4), 175–181. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/542