Psychotherapy motivation and indication: a critical evaluation of research results


  • Bernhard Strauß


Numerous studies dealing with psychotherapy motivation and indication are summarized in this paper formulating and commenting seven theses. Basically it is assumed that psychotherapy motivation co-variates only moderately with treatment decisions. A second thesis is related to the assumption that psychotherapy needs more complex models than those used -for example - in medicine. Treatment decisions in psychotherapy seem to be the result of complex negotiations considering treatment goals, individual resources and the “fit” between the psychotherapeutic offer and the expectations of the patients. Thesis 4 assumes the relevance of distorted perceptions in treatment indications characterized by the specific situation of the practicing therapist. Theses 5 and 6 compare the concepts of prognostic and adaptive treatment indication leading to the proposal to combine the models for the realisation of a psychotherapy that is oriented on the patients ‘ needs.

Psychotherapy motivation, indication, care system, prognostic indication, adaptive indication

Author Biography

Bernhard Strauß

Bernhard Strauß, Prof., Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych., Jahrgang 1956, psychologischer Psychotherapeut/Psychoanalytiker, seit 1996 Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie am Klinikum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Psychotherapieforschung (zur Gruppentherapie, Indikationsstellung und Prognose, Qualitätssicherung), klinische Bindungsforschung, medizin-psychologische Studien zur Krankheitsverarbeitung, Psychosomatik der FruchtbarkeitsstörungenProf. Dr. Bernhard Strauß, Klinikum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Medizinische Psychologie, Stoystraße 3, D-07740 Jena



How to Cite

Strauß, B. (2000). Psychotherapy motivation and indication: a critical evaluation of research results. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(1), 22–26. Retrieved from