Perpetration and childhood experience of violence in the home by men with borderline personality disorder: external validation of MMPI cluster 1 batterers


  • Heinrich Kraus


Cluster analysis of 82 MMPI profiles which were gathered as part of a standard assessment process for a training program revealed two different types of violent men. “Family only" and “dysphoric/borderline" types were compared by some external variables. It could be shown that both types differ not only in the severity of their physical violence and the frequency of psychological forms of maltreatment but also in their trait-anger and their recall of violence and rejection by their fathers. Some considerations regarding the intergenerational transmission of violence are performed.

Key words:
Borderline batterer; Trait anger; Forms of violence; Batterer typology; Intergenerational transmission of violence; Recall of paternal violence and rejection

Author Biography

Heinrich Kraus

Heinrich Kraus ist Psychologe und Psychotherapeut (Analytische Psychologie). Er arbeitet seit 16 Jahren in freier Praxis, ist Mitbegründer einer Familienberatungsstelle und seit 1999 mitverantwortlich für das Gewaltinterventionsprojekt, das die Männerberatung Wien gemeinsam mit der Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt in der Familie durchführt.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Heinrich Kraus, Männerberatung Wien, Erlachgasse 95/5, 1100 Wien, Österreich



How to Cite

Kraus, H. (2004). Perpetration and childhood experience of violence in the home by men with borderline personality disorder: external validation of MMPI cluster 1 batterers. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 121–129. Retrieved from