Socialization and emancipation in theology and pastoral care


  • Isabelle Noth


Summary: Religion is energized on the one hand by the criticism of religion nourished by Freud’s allegation of constriction and conservatism and, on the other hand, its very own experience of liberation, which is laid out in the Old Testament’s Exodus adventure. This ambivalence in religion makes it an ongoing challenge and requires continuous reflection. The task of the pastoral counsellor is to highlight and strengthen religion’s potential for liberation and love of life , as well as trust in one’s own loveableness and sense of being wanted, as these are prerequisites of all possible emancipation.

Keywords: Criticism of religion, emancipation, pastoral care, motivation, liberating potential

Author Biography

Isabelle Noth

Prof. Dr. Isabelle Noth, Co-Direktorin des Instituts für Praktische Theologie, Leiterin der Abteilung Seelsorge, Religionspsychologie und Religionspädagogik und Präsidentin der Schweizerischen Aus- und Weiterbildung in Seelsorge mit Sitz an der Universität Bern. Präsidentin der Schweizerischen Aus- und Weiterbildung in Seelsorge und des trifakultären Studiengangs CAS Spiritual Care.



How to Cite

Noth, I. (2015). Socialization and emancipation in theology and pastoral care. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(2), 133–136. Retrieved from