„What is true does not pull the wool over your eyes“- Integrative Psychotherapy in the residential school Hochsteig


  • Theodor Itten


Summary: The poem by Ingeborg Bachmann, quoted in the title, is the central theme in this essay about Integrative Psychotherapy in a special school located the eastern part of Switzerland. The various requirements for a successful, multi-disciplinary, comprehensive integrative collaboration of all parties involved in such a work-place, is described from the psychotherapists’ perspective. Psychotherapy with children and youths is a treatment based on a directly experienced subjective truth. The adult’s life context influences the young people’s wellbeing in psychological and school matters and/ or their disturbances, immensely. The sense or lack of sense of using psychotropic drugs in psychotherapy with children and youth is discussed. The following questions will be answered: what happens when normal childlike behaviour and modes of experience are now fabricated as psychological illnesses? Who is served by such a socio-psychological development?

Keywords: Integrative Psychotherapy, special school, youth, truth

Author Biography

Theodor Itten

Theodor Itten, geb. 1952 in Langenthal, lebt und arbeitet als Psychotherapeut ASP/UKCP und Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society, MBPsS, in Sankt Gallen und Hamburg. Bücher: Politik der Erfahrung: kritische Überlegungen zur Entwicklung von Psychologie und Psychotherapie (mit Ron Roberts; Übersetzt aus dem Englischen von Dörte Fuchs, 2016), Grössenwahn: die Psychologie der Selbstüberschätzung (2016), Jähzorn: psychotherapeutische Antworten auf ein unkontrollierbares Gefühl (2. Aufl., 2015), R. D. Laing: 50 years since The Divided Self (Hrsg. mit Courtenay Young, 2012).



How to Cite

Itten, T. (2016). „What is true does not pull the wool over your eyes“- Integrative Psychotherapy in the residential school Hochsteig. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(1), 71–80. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/275



Original Work