Symptom and consequences of the crisis as “organised sociopathy”


  • Wolfgang Looss


The actual social and economic crisis is understood as “organised sociopathy”, which has become destructive in it’s un-checked sphere of action. One of the main consequences is the extreme interruption of contact and maladjustment, when men react with grandiosity. Psychotherapy can help in the process of emotional integration of the crisis, but can also point out ways of producing new guidelines as well as to support a (new) sense of orientation. By this men can better prepare for a world which be-comes more and more confusing. Connected to this belongs the improvement ofthe classical ego-function, but also the encourage-ment for (social, communicative) experiments and the ability ofthe self to reflect it's own reality construction, instead of elevating. Keywords Organised sociopathy; narcissism; hybris; alienation; failure; ressource; resilient organisation; “environmental scanning”.

Author Biography

Wolfgang Looss

Dr. Wolfgang Looss, gelernter Betriebswirt und Gestalttherapeut, berät seit nunmehr dreißig Jahren Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen im Profit- und Non-Profit Bereich in Veränderungsprozessen, bildet Beratungspersonen aus und supervidiert sie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Wolfgang Looss,Praxis für Management Development und Organisationsberatung, Darmstadt - Berlin, Büro: Hauptstraße 44d, 64331 Weiterstadt, Deutschland



How to Cite

Looss, W. (2010). Symptom and consequences of the crisis as “organised sociopathy”. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 17–20. Retrieved from