Psychotherapeutic competencies when working with people with a homosexual or bisexual orientation


  • Gisela Wolf


Summary: Findings emerging from patient-centered research show clearly that lesbian, homosexual men and bisexual clients apparently make use of psychotherapy relatively frequently. In this article the needs and experiences of these clients in psychotherapy treatment is outlined. It is envisaged that it will form the basis for “Recommendations for psychotherapy and consultative work with lesbian, male homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, intersexual and queer people in psychology”, that the Professional Association VLSP*, a registered association (Association for Lesbian, Male Homosexual Men, Bisexuals, trans*, Inter-sexuals and Queer people in Psychology), will develop for the German speaking area.

Key words: psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic provisions, lesbian, male homosexual and bisexual clients; guidelines; discrimination and violence; intersectionality

Author Biography

Gisela Wolf

Dr. Gisela Wolf, Dipl.-Psych., Psychologische Psychotherapeut*in, arbeitet in Berlin psychotherapeutisch in eigener Praxis. Sie ist Teil des Vorstands des VLSP* e.V.



How to Cite

Wolf, G. (2016). Psychotherapeutic competencies when working with people with a homosexual or bisexual orientation. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(2), 100–108. Retrieved from