The communication of needs and the sense of belonging: the psychoneurophysiology and the configuration of relationship


  • Theodor Dierk Petzold


Besides physiological basic needs, the need of belonging determines human communication. In the process of social communication of elementary needs, an existential sense of belonging and behavioral patterns are formed. These communication procedures are accompanied by an increase of some neurotransmitters and the activity of mirror neurons. The patterns which are formed in this way have somatic and psychological effects such as addiction problems or depression caused by insufficient sense of belonging. This is accompanied by a disorder of the metabolism of serotonin.

A communication that meets basic needs can be stimulated, e.g., by autonomy training.

Keywords Communication of needs; Sense of belonging; Resonance; Neurotransmitter; Salutogenesis

Author Biography

Theodor Dierk Petzold

Theodor Dierk Petzold, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Naturheilverfahren mit European Certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP) in Privatpraxis; Leiter des Zentrums für Salutogenese in Bad Gandersheim, Leitung der Ausbildung im Autonomietraining nach Grossarth-Maticek; Vorstand der Akademie für patientenzentrierte Medizin APAM e.V.; Mitherausgeber von „Der Mensch - Zeitschrift für Salutogenese und anthropologische Medizin“; Mitautor und Leiter der Fortbildung SaKom®: salutogene/ ressourcenorientierte Arzt-PatientKommunikation.

Am Mühlenteich 1, 37581 Bad Gandersheim, Deutschland



How to Cite

Petzold, T. D. (2007). The communication of needs and the sense of belonging: the psychoneurophysiology and the configuration of relationship. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 127–133. Retrieved from