Black holes in the self-reception of psychotherapists or the danger of abuse in psychotherapy


  • Bertram von der Stein


The narcicisstic abuse of patients is demonstrated in several case reports. The personality traits of the psychotherapist have an influence on the way of the abuse, which takes place within the self-object relation.

Keywords Narcicisstic abuse; Self-object relation; Personality traits

Author Biography

Bertram von der Stein

Dr. med. Bertram von der Stein, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin und für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Rehabilitationswesen, Psychoanalytiker DGPT, Gruppenanalytiker DAGG.

Quettinghofstraße 10a, 50769 Köln, Deutschland



How to Cite

von der Stein, B. (2007). Black holes in the self-reception of psychotherapists or the danger of abuse in psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 122–126. Retrieved from