About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft encourages the lasting and sustainable development of psychotherapy with academic articles on psychotherapy practice and research. It takes a stand on current issues and problems and promotes interdisciplinary exchange on fundamental matters such as indication, methodology, efficiency, etc.

A marked feature of the journal is its openness to all fields of psychotherapy, e.g. psychoanalysis, person-centred psychotherapy, behaviour therapy, Gestalt therapy, body therapy, logotherapy, psychodrama, systemic therapy, family therapy, child and adolescent therapy, group psychoanalysis, dynamic group psychotherapy, catathymic image perception, hypnotherapy, etc. and it prints articles from all fields of psychotherapy. All manuscripts submitted are examined by a panel of international experts.

Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft is the successor publication to Psychotherapie-Forum, which was published by Springer-Verlag. From 2013 to 2017 the journal was published by the Swiss Charter for Psychotherapy, a subsection of the Association of Swiss Psychotherapists (ASP). Since 2017 it has appeared in the Psychosozial-Verlag.

All issues are available in open access on the website www.psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info. Single copies and the printed version are also available for purchase. Please subscribe through bestellung@psychosozial-verlag.de

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content in accordance with the basic premise that the free public availability of research benefits the exchange of knowledge throughout the world.

Authors wishing to publish in this journal agree to the following:

  1. The author/s retain/s the copyrights and consent/s to initial publication of the work in the journal under a Creative Commons Attribution licence, which allows third parties to use the work by citing the name/s of the author/s and this journal as initial publisher (in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 DE-Licence).
  1. The author/s can enter into additional contracts for the non-exclusive distribution (e.g. publish in a collection or book) of the version published in the journal, if the journal is cited as initial publisher.


Responsible for publication of the journal Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft is:

from Issue vol. 12 no. 1 (2022)


Association of Swiss Psychotherapists (ASP)

till Issue vol. 11 no. 2 (2021)

Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie

till Issue vol. 2 no. 1 (2012)


Österreichischer Bundesverband für Psychotherapie

Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie

Deutscher Dachverband für Psychotherapie


Please send all advert inquiries to anzeigen@psychosozial-verlag.de

Current prices for accessible media information are given at www.psychosozial-verlag.de (www.psychosozial-verlag.de/cms/mediadaten.html).

ASP members should direct their inquiries to the ASP secretary’s office, Rietdlistr. 8, CH-8006 Zurich, Tel. +41 (0)43 268 93 00 or via email to asp@psychotherapie.ch.

Publishing frequency

Twice yearly: June and December

From 2018: April and October


Please subscribe through bestellung@psychosozial-verlag.de

Annual subscription €44.90 (plus postage)

Single copy €22.90 (plus postage)

Students (ID required) will receive 25 % reduction.

For ASP members the special price of 35.– € (plus 6.– € shipping) is valid for the annual subscription.

Subscriptions renew automatically for a further year if not cancelled by November 15.

Journal History

When a number of European countries initiated steps to regulate the psychotherapy profession in the early 1990s, psychotherapists also began forming national and international alliances and became actively involved in the respective legislative processes. An important first outcome was the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990, which establishes that ‘psychotherapy is an independent scientific discipline’, the pursuit of which constitutes an independent and liberal profession.

This gave rise to the wish for a professional academic publishing medium. The Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy set up the journal Psychotherapy Forum, which was published by Springer, Vienna. The Swiss Association of Psychotherapists (ASPV) soon became joint editor and was joined shortly afterwards by the German Psychotherapy Society DVP. Circulation subsequently reach around 6,000 copies and the psychotherapy journal became the most widely distributed of its kind. On its formation, the Swiss Charter for Psychotherapy immediately became a further editor. The ASPV withdrew as editor several years later, but remained involved through its membership in the Charter.

After 19 years with Springer, the editors recognized that being a publisher-bound journal not only brought benefits, but also a number of disadvantages. With a view to ending restrictions and increasing circulation, in 2010 the decision was taken to publish the journal with free Internet access under the name Psychotherapie Wissenschaft. This connected the journal to the Open Access movement, whose concepts the editors entirely endorse. The journal will, however, also continue to appear in a printed version.

The editors’ intention in renaming the journal is to promote recognition of psychotherapy as an independent profession.



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