Opposing deadly seriousness in psychotherapy: a plead for the erotic culture of wit, humor, and the art of living


  • Alfred Kirchmayr


The following approaches to the disregarded phenomena of wit, humor, and the art of living can be compared to the contemplation of an object in an art gallery. They want to rouse interest for these witty and healing creations of culture, give new impulses, provoke and contribute to increasing the amusement of the consciousness. Proceeding from the intricate figure of the clown and his humorous and playful reference to childhood innocence, the real humour is illuminated as the child of the love of life and the „heavenly eros“ (S. Freud). Finally, a consideration of the phenomena of Jewish wit and humor follows, since they express the essence of life knowledge, life wisdom und art of living and might well be considered to be one of the most precious creations of human culture. My main interest lies in overcoming the deadly seriousness in the psychotherapy scene and in the promotion of the releasing laughter of wit and serious serenity in rather unwitty times.

Key words:
Wit; Joke; Humor; Art of living; Clown and childhood innocence; Jewish humor and jokes; Psychotherapy; Psychoanalysis; Culture psychology; Deadly seriousness and serenity

Author Biography

Alfred Kirchmayr

Alfred Kirchmayr, Dr. theol., Dr. phil. (Psychologie und Soziologie); 1968-1981 Universitätsassistent für Praktische Theologie; 1981-2004 Akademieprofessor für Psychologie und Sozialphilosophie; seit 2001 Fachhochschullektor für Psychologie, seit 1976 Psychoanalytiker in freier Praxis; Schriftsteller (Mitarbeit an mehr als 30 Büchern, ca.120 Zeitschriftenartikel); Schwerpunkte der Forschung und Lehre: Religions- und Kirchenpsychologie, Politische Psychologie, Sozialpsychologie, Psychotherapieforschung. Aktueller Schwerpunkt: Witz, Humor, Lebenskunst und Psychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: DDr. Alfred Kirchmayr, Rokitanskygasse 15/2/27, 1170 Wien, Österreich



How to Cite

Kirchmayr, A. (2005). Opposing deadly seriousness in psychotherapy: a plead for the erotic culture of wit, humor, and the art of living. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 47–53. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/366