Therapists in social media

Applying professional and ethical principles to the social media space


  • Jana A. Heimes



social media, Instagram, professional stance, neutrality, abstinence, ethics


In the context of digitalization, more and more private and public communication takes place in the space of so-called social media. The topic of mental health is also vividly moved there. In the context of this development, numerous accounts of therapeutically working people have emerged on various digital platforms (e. g. Instagram), which are dedicated to this topic. The professionalism in the implementation of the public appearance varies considerably. Licensed psychotherapists are also using social media more and more to draw attention to their work, to educate or to pursue professional politics. So far, this public space for therapists has hardly been regulated. It is therefore all the more important to be aware of the professional responsibility that also applies there. This includes, in particular, applying therapeutic principles of abstinence and neutrality to digital behavior and resisting the potential narcissistic pull of the platforms. The four medical ethical principles offer a helpful and obligatory orientation. In this article, the author reflects on this new development from a psychodynamic perspective and against the background of her several years of experience with her own practice profile on Instagram. In doing so, she invites a professional discourse aimed at a more professional design of the media space.

Author Biography

Jana A. Heimes

Jana A. Heimes ist psychologische Psychotherapeutin im Verfahren der tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Psychotherapie im Einzel- und Gruppensetting. Sie arbeitet in Berlin in eigener Praxis und führt für diese seit 2018 einen öffentlichen Account auf Instagram (@psycho_dynamik). Im kollegialen Austausch hat sie sich umfassend mit den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines professionellen Auftritts in sozialen Medien beschäftigt und ist Coautorin des Buchs Social-Media-Profile in Psychotherapie, Beratung und Coaching (2022).
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How to Cite

Heimes, J. A. (2023). Therapists in social media: Applying professional and ethical principles to the social media space. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 13(1), 11–15.